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Required files

SCSS files required:

Default card

A card is defined using the class .card along with various modifying classes explained in the examples below

Some of the cards in the below examples are inside a grid system explained here

Default card

This is a default card which is left aligned

It can be used for information or anything else

Centre aligned cards

To make a card centre aligned apply the modifying class .card--centred

Note that the horizontal rule has a 20% margin on either side when inside a centre aligned card

To highlight a card apply the modifying class .card--highlight

To give a card more padding apply the class .card--padding-lg

Card centred

This is a card that is centred and has large padding

Card clickable

This is a card that is centred, has large padding and it is clickable

Card highlighted

This is a card that is centred, has large padding and highlighted!

It could be used as a selected state

Option cards

Note that the only difference with an option card is the top border, so all the content inside can be added to any card

To create an option card add the modifier class .card--options and for more padding add .card--padding-lg

For a recommended option card a modifier can be added to the options modifier, so the class is .card--options--recommended

To make all the cards fill the grid columns and be the same height, add the class .cards-same-height to the .grid element

Ullamcoer portitor

£559 Lobortis ut odio quis

£229 Semper sagittis

Vivamus vel aliquet maecenas

  • In non lacus facilisis, sodales mi sed, ultrices nibh.
  • Etiam tincidunt magna in arcu accumsan consequat. Vivamus blandit massa gravida augue semper volutpat.

Ut eu faucibus libero. Praesent ac libero neque aptent taciti sociosqu.

Curabitur in massa

£999 Lobortis ut odio quis

£779 Semper sagittis

Vivamus vel aliquet maecenas

  • In non lacus facilisis, sodales mi sed, ultrices nibh.
  • Etiam tincidunt magna in arcu accumsan consequat. Vivamus blandit massa gravida augue semper volutpat.
  • Donec accumsan placerat metus, eu pretium diam semper sagittis.

Ut eu faucibus libero. Praesent ac libero neque aptent taciti sociosqu.