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Contributing to the UI Toolkit

Some pointers for contributing to the UI Toolkit.

General updates

  • All updates to the UI Toolkit should be documented in the example pages and/or in the helper classes, and new mixins in Sass tools.
  • Any code snippets should be creates as a partial and included with Handlebars include syntax.
  • If you add a new section of a page, create a nav item at the top of the page and then include the item on the index page as well.

Creating a new page

  1. Create a new page .hbs template in templates/pages/ by copying an existing one and following the format.
  2. Update the data-page attribute at the top of the page with a unique name.
  3. Add the page to the sidebar navigation templates/partials/demo/demo-sidebar.hbs
  4. For the navigation highlighting to work, the classname in the nav needs to correlate to the page name eg. .nav-link--{insert page name here} and the page name also needs to be added to the array in the demo.scss file.
  5. Also add the page and any sub sections to the navigation list on the index page.

Publishing releases

Once your Pull Request has been approved, but before merging into master, create a new version on NPM and push the version and tags. See instructions in the README.

The tag will be created on GitHub but the realease will not. So you will need to add it along with release notes on the Release page

For any changes that may cause issues for users, add it to the version updates page.