Helper classes for margin and padding spacing
Spacing settings
- xxs: 5px
- xs: 10px
- sm: 15px
- md: 20px
- lg: 30px
- xl: 50px
- xxl: 70px
Margin and padding syntax
The helper classes start with .m
for margin and .p
for padding
Next is the direction -a
all, -t
top, -r
right, -b
bottom, -l
left, -h
horizontal (right and left), -v
vertical (top and bottom)
Finally is the spacing sizes -none
, -xxs
, -xs
, -sm
, -md
, -lg
, -xl
, -xxl
Syntax examples
Helper classes for borders
Border settings
- base: 2px solid #ccc
- thin: 1px solid #e2e2e2
Border syntax
The border helper classes start with .b
Next is the direction -a
all, -t
top, -r
right, -b
bottom, -l
left, -h
horizontal (right and left), -v
vertical (top and bottom)
Finally is the type of border -none
, -base
, -thin
Syntax examples
Visual examples
= .b-a-base
= .b-a-thin
Borders radius
Helper classes for rounded corners
Border radius settings
- sm: 5px
- md: 10px
- lg: 20px
- xl: 30px
- circle: 50%
Border radius syntax
The border radius helper classes start with .br
Next is the direction -a
all, -t
top, -r
right, -b
bottom, -l
Finally is the type of border radius -none
, -sm
, -md
, -lg
, -xl
Note: to make a border radius a circle (50%) the class .br-circle
can be applied. It can't be applied to each direction like the rest.
Syntax examples
Visual examples
= .br-a-sm
- this is the base radius throughout Pod Point elements eg. form controls and cards
= .br-a-md
= .br-a-lg
- this is the radius used for Pod Point buttons
= .br-a-xl
= .br-circle
Box shadows
Helper classes for box shadows
Box shadow settings
- light
- base
- heavy
- floating
Box shadow syntax
The box shadow helper classes start with .bs
Next is the direction -a
all, -t
top, -r
right, -b
bottom, -l
left, -h
Finally is the type of box shadow -light
, -base
, -heavy
, -floating
Syntax examples
Visual examples
All edges
= .bs-a-light
= .bs-a-base
= .bs-a-heavy
= .b-a-floating
One edge
= .b-t-light
= .b-r-base
= .b-b-heavy
= .b-l-floating
Helper classes for positioning in each of the four corners
Position properties
The position helpers .pos-sta
static, .pos-rel
relative, .pos-abs
absolute, .pos-fix
Helper classes to pin an element each of the for corners with the direction properties. Obviously they won't work if the property is set to static.
, .pin-right-bottom
, .pin-bottom-left
, .pin-left-top
Responsive helpers
Helper classes that can change according to screen size
Screen size settings
- xs: 24em / 384px
- sm: 40em / 640px
- md: 50em / 800px
- lg: 68em / 1088px
- xl: 100em / 1600px
Responsive helpers syntax
The media queries are set mobile first so if you set a helper class with no screen size, it will set the style from mobile up. Once a screen size is added on to the helper it sets the style for that screen size and up.
The syntax is to define the helper class .text-centre
and add a screen size on the end -md
The helpers
, .text-right
, .text-left
, .float-right
, .float-left
, .float-left
, .m-centre
, .hidden
, .block
, .inline-block
, .width-full
Syntax examples
Helper classes to define max or min widths for content, text content and images
Max and min width settings (images or elements)
- xxs: 100px
- xs: 150px
- sm: 200px
- md: 300px
- lg: 400px
- xl: 500px
- xxl: 700px
Max width settings (content)
- content: 1100px
- content wide: 1260px
- content narrow: 960px
- text: 600px
- text wider: 640px
- text wide: 700px
- text narrow: 500px
The helpers
The helpers are just max width properties so can be used on anything, however the content max width helpers are defined to keep consistency and the image max width helpers are roughly sizes of how big images might be in a design
100% width helpers .width-100
, .max-width-100
Max width helpers .max-width-xxs
, .max-width-xs
, .max-width-sm
, .max-width-md
, .max-width-lg
, .max-width-xl
, .max-width-xxl
Min width helpers .min-width-xxs
, .min-width-xs
, .min-width-sm
, .min-width-md
, .min-width-lg
, .min-width-xl
, .min-width-xxl
Max width content helpers .max-width-content
, .max-width-text
, .max-width-text-wider
, .max-width-text-wide
, .max-width-text-narrow
Background colour helper classes according to the Pod Point colour palette.
Note that when applying a background colour class, the font colour will be set as either base font colour or white for readability. There are helper classes .bg-dark-content
and .bg-light-content
that override this which is useful for nested backgrounds.
To override SVG fill colours you can apply the classes .svg-dark
, .svg-light
, .svg-primary
which targets the direct child SVG.
- #fff
= .bg-white
Very light grey
- #f9f9f9
= .bg-very-light-grey
Light grey
- #f3f3f3
= .bg-light-grey
- #adadad
= .bg-grey
Dark grey
- #5c5c5c
= .bg-dark-grey
Very dark grey
- #333
= .bg-very-dark-grey
- #8cc63f
= .bg-primary
Very light primary
- #f9fcf5
= .bg-very-light-primary
Sky blue
- #deeefc
= .bg-sky-blue
- #5cb85c
= .bg-success
- #5bc0de
= .bg-info
- #f0ad4e
= .bg-warning
- #c1272d
= .bg-danger
Assistive helpers
Helper classes that can be used to assist the functional capabilities of persons with disabilities.
Screen reader only .sr-only
This class can used to hide information intended only for screen readers from the layout of the rendered page.