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Version updates

Any changes that may cause issues for users are listed here.

Note this page doesn't necessarily show the latest version, for that please see the github repo readme.


Migrate from Travis to GitHub Actions


New background overlay variations added and in the process the main class and it's modifying classnames have been changed from .bg-img-overlay to .bg-overlay, to be more generic.

See hero component example page here.


Javascript files are now exported from a main index file.

The dist folder has been added back in to the NPM package so you can import transpiled JS files. But you don't need to import full paths any more, you can import modules as per the docs here.


Dist folder has been removed.

Assets are now compiled in Travis so this folder has been deleted and gitignored. You no longer need to run Gulp before committing.


A slight scss file restructure to move utilities into own folder before settings.

When importing scss files indiviually, you will need to import the utilities file before the settings as per the updated docs here.