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Allows you to define the vertical padding.

Visual examples of classes that use the accordion mixin here


@mixin accordion-size(

Example usage

.element {
    @include accordion-size(20px);


Border and text colours have default settings, but background colour is required.

Visual examples of classes that use the alert mixin here.


@mixin alert-variant(
    $text-colour: $font-colour-base,
    $border: 0

Example usage

.element {
    @include alert-variant($background: #CCC, $text-colour: #000, $border: #000 1px solid);

Animation fade in/out

These mixins use keyframe animations that toggles the opacity.

A duration can be passed as an argument or left as default.


@mixin fade-in(
    $duration: .3s

@mixin fade-out(
    $duration: .3s

Example usage

.element {
    @include fade-in($duration: .5s);

.element.hidden {
    @include fade-out($duration: .1s);

Animation pop up fade in

This mixin makes the element position: relative and uses a keyframe animation which makes the element top: 100% and opacity: 0 and animates it to top: 0 and opacity: 1.

A duration can be passed as an argument or left as default.


@mixin pop-up-fade-in(
    $duration: .2s

Example usage

.element {
    @include pop-up-fade-in($duration: 1.5s);

Animation rotate

This mixin rotates an element infinitely and at .2 seconds duration by default.


@mixin rotate(
    $duration: .2s,
    $iteration-count: infinite

Example usage

.element {
    @include rotate($duration: .2s, $iteration-count: infinite);

Animation slides

This mixin slides content up and down using a max height transition.

The mixin slide-down-collapsed should be applied to the collapsed element and slide-down-active should be applied to the element when it is open/active.

Note that because the max-height is used to perform the animation, an approximate max-height is required on the slide-down-active mixin. If the height is too large it will cause a delay in the animation and if it is too small it will not open fully.

Visual examples of accordions that use the slide mixins here.


@mixin slide-down-collapsed(
    $duration: .8s

    $duration: .8s,
    $approx-height: 500px

Example usage

.element {
    @include slide-down-collapsed($duration: 1s);
} {
    @include slide-down-active($duration: 1s, $approx-height: 300px);

Aspect ratio

This mixin is available instead of using a transparent image as a hack to maintain aspect ratio which is very handy for making video iframes act responsively.

The content needs to go in a nested element called .aspect-ratio-content.


@mixin aspect-ratio(

Example usage

.element {
    @include aspect-ratio(150px, 200px);

    > .aspect-ratio-content {


This is useful to define the main container of your site/app as it makes the container centred, gives horizontal spacing for mobile and desktop as well as a max width.

Note that the container mixin includes the horizontal-spacing mixin here, so it will use the default spacing set unless you reset the mixin arguments.


@mixin container(
    $max-width-content: $max-width-content

Example usage

.element {
    @include container($max-width-content: 900px);

Custom icon lists

Allows you to define your own custom icon for featured lists.

Visual examples of classes that use the featured icon list mixins here.


@mixin featured-icon-list(

@mixin featured-icon-list-lg(

Example usage

ul {
    @include featured-icon-list($css-bg-path+'icons/tick-primary.svg');

ul.lg {
    @include featured-icon-list-lg($css-bg-path+'icons/tick-primary.svg');

Form controls

Mixins for form controls and their hover/focus/disabled states.

The mixins all include default settings so can be used with or without arguments passed in the parameters.

Visual examples of classes that use the input mixins here


@mixin input-styles(
    $font-size: $font-size-forms-md,
    $height: $input-height,
    $max-width: $form-field-max-width,
    $v-padding: $input-v-padding,
    $h-padding: $input-h-padding,
    $placeholder-colour: $input-placeholder-colour,
    $chrome-autofill-colour: $input-chrome-autofill-colour

@mixin input-border(
    $border: $form-border-base,
    $border-radius: $form-border-radius

@mixin input-border--hover(
    $border-color: $font-colour-base,
    $color: $font-colour-base

@mixin input-border--disabled(
    $background-color: $grey-very-light,
    $opacity: $opacity-disabled

Example usage

.element {
    @include input-styles;
    @include input-border;

    &:focus {
        @include input-border--hover;

    &:disabled {
        @include input-border--disabled;

Font sizes

The font size mixin defines the sizes passed in for mobile and desktop.

Note that font sizes should be declared in rems as explained in more detail here.

Visual examples of classes that use the font size mixins here


@mixin font-size-responsive($mobile-size, $desktop-size);

Example usage

.element {
    @include font-size-responsive($font-size-md-mobile, $font-size-md-desktop);

Full overlay

Creates an element with full height and width and absolute positioned pinned to all corners.

Useful to use on an element or a before/after element.


@mixin full-overlay(
    $bg-colour: $black

Example usage

.element {
    @include full-overlay(#FFF);


The heading-style mixin defines general heading styling such as font weight, padding etc.

The heading-style-responsive mixin defines the font sizes passed in for mobile and desktop as well as includes the heading-style mixin.

Note that font sizes should be declared in rems as explained in more detail here.

Visual examples of classes that use the heading mixins here


@mixin heading-style;

@mixin heading-style-responsive($mobile-size, $desktop-size);

Example usage

.element {
    @include heading-style;

.element {
    @include heading-style-responsive($font-size-h2-mobile, $font-size-h2-desktop);

Horizontal spacing

Defines padding on the right and left for mobile and desktop.


@mixin horizontal-spacing(
    $h-spacing: $h-spacing,
    $h-spacing-mobile: $h-spacing-mobile

Example usage

.element {
    @include horizontal-spacing($h-spacing: 30px, $h-spacing-mobile: 20px);

Icons in circles

Each mixin does a different job and can be used one at the time or all at once on an element

Note that all mixins here have default values that can be used by not passing any arguments or overriden by passing arguments

Visual examples of classes that use the icons-in-circles mixins here


@mixin icon-in-circle(
    $bg-colour: $icon-colour,
    $colour: $white,
    $border: none

@mixin icon-in-circle--size(
    $dimension: $circle-icon-size-md

Example usage

.element {
    @include icon-in-circle($bg-colour: transparent, $colour: #000, $border: #FFF);
    @include icon-in-circle--size($dimension: 2.5rem);
    @include icon-in-border-circle--size($dimension: 2.5rem);

Inline list gutter


@mixin inline-list-gutter(

Example usage

.element {
    @include inline-list-gutter(20px);


A shorthand notation for defining margin with null values


@mixin margin(

Example usage

.element {
    @include margin(20px auto null 1%);

Media queries

Mixins for mobile first media query breakpoints, based on screen widths.

Breakpoints are defined in EMs to cater cross browser for users who zoom in or change their font size settings. There are various articles explaining conclusions to these experiments such as and


24em (384px) and above:

@mixin screen-xs-min;

40em (640px) and above:

@mixin screen-sm-min;

50em (800px) and above:

@mixin screen-md-min;

68em (1088px) and above:

@mixin screen-lg-min;

100em (1600px) and above:

@mixin screen-xl-min;

Example usage

.element {
    @include screen-xs-min {


A shorthand notation for defining padding with null values


@mixin padding(

Example usage

.element {
    @include padding(20px null 10px null);


A shorthand notation for positioning elements


@mixin position(

Example usage

.element {
    @include position(absolute, 0 20px 2rem null);


Some handy helpers



@include clearfix;

Align content centre using flexbox:

@include align-content-centre;
@include v-align-content-centre;

Removes default list styling:

@include remove-list-styles;

@include remove-link-style;
@include remove-link-styles;

Style to appear clickable (pointer as cursor and opacity on hover/active/focus):

@include clickable;

Hides text but not before/after element:

@include hide-text-not-pseudo;

Sets background centre, cover and no repeat:

@include bg-cover;

Hides text with a text indent and overflow hidden:

@include hide-text;

Sets margin right and left to auto:

@include m-centre

Example usage

.element {
    @include clearfix;