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ES linting is used in the UI Toolkit to maintain good and unified coding standards. The same eslint config should be used across all our products and can be installed via NPM here.

Importing modules

The JavaScript is written in ES6 Modules and the following modules are available to import from the UI Toolkit.

The JavaScript modules are due to be refactored as soon as possible, so bare that in mind when using that you may need to update your code when importing a newer version of the UI Toolkit.


import '@pod-point/pod-point-ui-toolkit';

Detects very basic but useful info about screen size and device:

window.isTouchDevice detects if touch device

Also adds a class to the body to identify if desktop or touch device .is-desktop or .is-touch

window.isMobileSize detects if window width is under 800px

window.isIE detects if browser is IE

window.isIE10OrBelow detects if browser is IE10 or below

Toggle Element

import { toggleElement } from '@pod-point/pod-point-ui-toolkit';

See usage here.


import { accordion } from '@pod-point/pod-point-ui-toolkit';

See usage here.